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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Brunswick Commandery Fons Honorum

 The article is found at: https://st-andrewsocc.org/2022/02/legitimate-templar-fons-honorum-continuing-in-brunswick/

intro: The House of Brunswick descends from the original Nobility (Angevin) who had set up and founded the Knights Templar. Not only this, but Brunswick has also maintained it’s status as the rightful head of House for the Nobility who founded the Templar. This was confirmed in numerous early charters and invoked by Brunswick heads of states with full recognition and treaties with present ruling governments, as continuing within the norms of international law today. Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick being the senior princely house of Germany (as co-treaties of numerous present reigning governments confirm this absolute right) did not in any way abdicate or sign away any of the rights of absolute dynastic rule to any new constitutions or any new entities that would seek to deprive the same. The unlawful occupations, usurpations, and de facto governments claiming any portion of our lands have been continuously protested against by the house of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick without interruption.

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