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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Ambrose von Sievers, Archbishop of Gothia

+ Ambrose von Sievers, of the Metropolitanate of Gothia is a Bishop of the True Orthodox Church (Russian Catacomb Church). It is the successive church that has escaped the persecutions of the Bolsheviks and their successive agents. His church is considered in some circles as non-canonical because of it's refusal to submit to the KGB installed church. As the escaped Andrewite Bishop did canonically consecrate +Ambrose, it is believed therefore the church of the Goths is truly canonical unlike many other jurisdictions. However, the persecutions have continued, as the Clergy have been attacked and killed over the last two generations. 

The Apostolic Succession of Archbishop Ambrose von Sievers (two main lines)

Russian Orthodox Line

Russian Orthodox line 
Jesus Christ +
Andrew, the Apostle of our Lord. Founded 38
Stachys, the Disciple, one of the 70 Apostles. 38 - 54
Onesimos 54 - 68
Polykarpos 69 - 89
Ploutarchos 89 - 105
Sedekion 105 - 114
Diogenes 114 - 129
Eleftherios 129 - 136
Felix 136 - 141
Polykarpos II 141 - 144
Athenodoros 144 - 148
Euzoios 148 - 154
Laurentios 154 - 166
Alypios 166 - 169
Pertinax 169 - 187
Olympianos 187 - 198
Markos I 198 - 211
Philadelphos 211 - 214
Kyriakos I 214 - 230
Kastinos 230 - 237
Eugenios I 237 - 242
Titos 242 - 272
Dometios 272 - 303
Roufinos 303
Provos 303 - 315
Metrophanes I 315 - 325
Alexandros 325 - 340
Paulos I, the Confessor 340 - 41, 342 - 34, 348 - 50
Eusebios 341 - 342
Makedonios I 344 - 348, 350 - 360
Eudoxios 360 - 369
Demophilos 369 - 379
Evagrios 379
Maximos I 380
Gregory, the Theologian 379 - 381
Nectarios 381 - 397
John I, the Chrysostom 398 - 404
Arsakios 404 - 405
Attikos 406 - 425
Sisinios I 425 – 427
Nestorios 428 - 431
Maximianos 431 - 434
Proklos 434 - 447
Flavianos 447 - 449
Anatolios 449 - 458
Gennadios I 458 - 471
Akakios 471 - 489
Favritas (Fravitas) 489 - 490
Euphemios 490 - 496
Makedonios II 496 - 511
Timotheos I 511 - 518
John II, the Cappadocian 518 - 520
Epiphanios 520 - 536
Anthimos 535 - 536
Menas 536 - 552
Eutychios I 552 - 565, 577 - 582
John III 566 - 577
Eutychios II 577 - 582
John IV, the Faster 582 - 595
Kyriakos II 595 - 607
Thomas I 607 - 610
Sergios I 610 - 638
Pyrros I (later returned as Pyrros II) 638 - 641
Paulos II 641 - 652
Pyrros II [same as Pyrros I] 652 or 654
Petros 652 - 664
Thomas II 665 - 668
John V 668 - 674
Constantine I 674 - 676
Theodoros I 676 - 678, 683 - 686
Georgios I 678 - 683
Paulos III 686 - 693
Kallinikos I 693 - 705
Kyros 705 - 711
John VI 711 - 715
Germanos I, the Confessor 715 - 730
Anastasios 730 - 751
Constantine II 754 - 766
Niketas, the Slav 766 - 780
Paulos IV 780 - 784
Tarasios 784 - 806
Nikephoros I 806 - 815
Theodotos, Melissenos 815 - 821
Antonios I, Kasymatas 821 - 826
John VII the Grammatikos 826 - 842
Methodios I, the Confessor 842 - 846
Ignatios I, the Prince 846 - 857, 867 - 878
Photios I 857 - 867, 878 - 886
Stephanos I, the Prince 886 - 893
Antonios II, Kavleas 893 - 895
Nikolaos I, the Mystic 895 - 906, 911 - 925
Euthymios I 906 - 911
Stephanos II 925 - 928
Tryphon 928 - 931
Theophylctos, Lakapenos, the Princeling 933 - 956
Polyeuctos 956 - 970
Vasilios I, Skamandrenos 970 - 974
Antonios III, Skandalios, also Stoudites 974 - 980
Nikolaos II, Chrysoverges 984 – 995
Leo Michael, the Syrian 991-1004
Leontius 1004-1015
John I 1015-1037
Theopemptus 1037-1051
Hilarion 1051- ?
George 1072-1080
John II 1080-1096
John III 1096-1098
Ephraim 1096-1098
Nicolas 1098-1108
Nicephorus I 1108-1124
Nicetas 1124-1127
Micahel II 1127-1147
Clement 1147-1154
Constantine 1154-1160
Theodore 1160-1164
John IV 1164-1167
Constantine II 1167-1185
Nicephorus II 1185-1201
Matthew 1201-1205
Cyril I 1205-1237
Joseph 1237-?
Cyril II 1240-1281
Metropolitans of Vladimir and of All Russia Maximus 1283-1305
Peter 1305-1328
As Archbishops of Moscow and of All Russia
Theognostes 1328-1352
Alexis 1254-1378
Cyprian 1381-1407
Photius 1408-1431
Isodore 1436-1441
Jonah 1448-1461
Theodosius 1462-1467
Phillip I 1467-1472
Gerontius 1472-1491
Zosimus 1491-1496
Simon 1495-1510
Barlaam 1511-1521
Daniel 1522-1539
Joasaph 1539-1542
Macarius 1542-1563
Germanus 1564-1565
Phillip 1565-1568
Cyril II I 1568-1572
Anthony 1572-1581
Dionysius 1582-1587
Patriarchs of Moscow and of All Russia
Job 1589-1605
Hemongenes 1606-1612
Philaret 1619-1633
Joasaph I 1633-1641
Joseph 1642-1653
Nicon 1653-1667
Joasaph II 1667-1672
Pitrim 1672-1673
Joachim 1674-1690
Adrain 1690-1700
Stephan 1700-1721
Joseph 1742-1745
Plato 1745-1754
Hilarion of Krutitsy, Coadjutor 1754-1757
Timothy 1757-1767
Ambrosius 1768-1771
Samouel of Krutitsy, Coadjutor 1771-1775
Plato II 1775-1811
Augustin 1811-1819
Serafim 1819-1821
Filaret 1821-1867(who on December 15, 1840 consecrated his successor)
St. Innocent 1868-1879
Palladius Rayev (See Above)
Macarius I 1879-1882
Joannicis 1882-1891
Leontii Lebedinskii 1891-1893

Ruling hierarchs of the Diocese of Kazan

As Archbishops of Kazan

Archbishop St. Gury 1555 to 1563 Reposed in office
Archbishop St. Herman (Sadyrev-Polevoy) 1564 to 1567 to Metropolitan of Moscow
Archbishop Lavrenty I 1568 to 1574 Reposed in office
Archbishop Vassian 1575 Reposed in office
Archbishop Tikhon I (Khvorostinin) 1575 to 1576 Reposed in office
Archbishop Jeremiah 1576 to 1581 Reposed in office
Archbishop Cosmos 1581 to 1583 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Tikhon II 1589 Reposed in office

As Metropolitan of Kazan and Astrakhan

Metropolitan St. Hermogen 1589 to 1606 to Patriarch of All Russia

As Metropolitans of Kazan and Sviyazhsk

Metropolitan St. Ephraim 1606 to 1613 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Matthew 1615 to 1646 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Simon 1646 to 1649 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Cornelius I 1650 to 1656 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Lavrenty II 1657 to 1672 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Cornelius II 1673 to 1674 Did not reach Kazan, transferred to Novgorod

As Metropolitan of Kazan and Bulgaria

Metropolitan Ioasaph 1674 to 1686 Reposed in office

As Metropolitan of Kazan

Metropolitan Adrian 1686 to 1690 to Patriarch of Moscow
Metropolitan Markell 1690 to 1698 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Tikhon III (Voinov) 1699 to 1724 Reposed in office
Metropolitan Sylvester (Holmsky) 1725 to 1731 deposed
Archbishop Hilarion (Rogalevsky) 1732 to 1735 transferred to Chernigov
Archbishop Gabriel I (Russkoy) 1735 to 1738 transferred to the Great Ustjug diocese
Bishop Luke (Konashevich) 1738 to 1755 transferred to Belgorod
Bishop Gavrill II (Kremenetsky) 1755 to 1762 transferred to Kiev as Metropolitan
Metropolitan Benjamin (Putsek-Grigotovich) 1762 to 1782
Archbishop Anthony I (Zybelin) 1782 to 1785
Archbishop Amvrosy I (Podobedov) 1785 to 1799

As Archbishops of Kazan and Simbirsk

Archbishop Serapion (Alexandrovsky) 1799 to 1803
Archbishop Pavel (Zernov) 1803 to 1815
Archbishop Amvrosy II (Protasov) 1816 to   1826
Archbishop Jonah (Pavinsky) 1826 to 1828
Archbishop Philaret (Amphitheaters) 1828 to 1836

As Archbishops of Kazan and Sviyazhsk

Archbishop Vladimir I (Uzhinsky) 1836 to 1848
Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) 1848 to 1856
Archbishop Athanasy (Sokolov) 1856 to 1866
Archbishop Anthony II (Amphitheaters) 1866 to 1879
Archbishop Sergei (Lyapidevsky) 1880 to 1882
Archbishop Pallady (Raev-Pisarev) 1882 to 1887
Archbishop Pavel II (Lebedev) 1887 to 1892
Archbishop Vladimir II (Petrov) 1892 to 1897
Archbishop Arseny 1897 to 1903
Archbishop Dimitri I 1903 to 1905

6. In 1897 LEBEDINSKII, Leontii (together with Archbishop Dimitri Sambikin of Kazan) consecrated
KHRAPOVSHY(Khrapovitsky), Antoniihttp://glory2godonline.com/docs/apostolic_succession/apostolic_succession.pdf  (In 1900 Antony was made bishop of Ufa, and in 1902 bishop of Volhynia and Zhitomir. Later was President of the Russian Church Abroad) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_(Khrapovitsky)

5. In 1905 Khrapovisky, Antonii consecrated

Archbishop Dimitri II (Sambikin), he was Archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazhsk from 1905 to 1908

4. On October 4, 1907, Chief heirarch Dimitri II (Sambikin) consecrated
Hieromartyr Andrew October 4, 1907) he was “consecrated bishop of Mamadysh, the third vicariate of the Kazan diocese”.

3. 1923 St.Andrew and Nicolas Ipatoff in Ufa consecrated
Abbakum (Borovkoff)

2. In 1928 St. Andrew of Ufa with Job (Grechisvkin) consecrated
Amphilochius (Shibanov) as Bishop of Tyumen Diocese. In the period of persecutions, around 1940 he secretly transferred to Transbaikal region and took Tchita cathedra.

His co-consecrator Job (Grechisvkin) was consecrated in 28th of November 1922 by Andrewites' Bishops Mark Bogolunov and Trophim Yakobchu. he was re-consecrated in 1927 by Andrew and Abbakum in Ufa. Job Grechisvkin is a very important person in the Catacombs. He was martyred in 1940.

1. In 1994 Amphilochius (Shibanov)
Ambrose von Sievers 1994

1927 AD — Metropolitan Sergius Stragorodsky, a leading Russian bishop, declares the Church to be completely loyal and subject to the antichristian Soviet government. Several bishops throughout Russia protest against this declaration, and are forced underground, thereby forming the Catacomb Church of Russia. The Russian Church Abroad also protests. Sergius' followers later form the "Moscow Patriarchate," created by Stalin in 1943.
1928 AD — Council of Syzran-Yeltz-Vyshny-Volochok in Russia (Nomadic Synod), convened and presided over by Bishop Mark Novoselov, and attended at first by 3 other bishops and 3 priests, each representing a different Catacomb Synod (i.e. Danilovites, Josephites, Andrewites, Victorites, Yaroslavlites, Yedinovertsy, etc). This council condemns the renovationists as well as the sergianists as schismatics, declares them bereft of sacramental grace, and requires their chrismation upon reception into the Church.

+ Ambrose stands in a strict Israelite position! Amphilochius had his Gens' Legend that they have Benjamin origine.
The Gothian Church who represents +Ambrose has two local Bishops: David of Hersones and Dori Hilar of Tamantarchont & Redae.
The Catacomb Church of True Orthodox Christians has 4 Bishops from 1 Gens of Amossoff. It's old Novgorodian Noble Gens. They have Gens Legend of origine from Haggi of Gad's Tribe.

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