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Monday, August 10, 2015

Traditions of the Imperial Goths - ON OUR GOTHIC CROSSES

ON OUR GOTHIC CROSSES (SWASTICAS) Part 1. The all-important topic of our ancestor’s crosses comes up most consistently. This article below shows the beliefs of our folk in the one supreme God that is symbolized in the ancient Gothic crosses (swastika or sun-wheel). Our Scriptures (old and new testaments) tell us Christ is our true light and sun. In the locations it is demonstrated the belief was not in multiple gods at the time, but in one supreme God. The crosses are used as a reminder to evil spirits that the darkness is being shattered and the inevitability of our soon rising like the day star. The word of God says that as we grow in Christ we can all become like the sun. Chapter 21 from LA WADDELL’S “The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons”

Read the full chapter here:

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