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Saturday, August 19, 2023

British Israelism Teaching, the Anglo Saxon Traditional Message of the C...

The church of the East and West has long celebrated the Celto Saxon and Kindred Peoples as being representative of the True Israel of God. Although this topic has been taught by millions we have lately found it covered up. That is very intolerant and non-inclusive to ban / censor and cover up thousands of books on the topic written by the mainstream leadership of the Orthodox English church! If you do a search in youtube for the topic of British Israelism it’s buried under dozens of videos done by non-genetic Israelites who hate the message of the historic British Israel church.

So help us get exposure by liking, subscribing and sharing to our video, which aims to break through this block on the “British Israelism” topic on youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=y8vjpO6BOtk (more on the topic on our site: British Israelism).

Herein you may find an unbiased disclosure of the traditional British Israel teaching taught by millions of British adherents of the Traditional Orthodox Anglican Religion. Thousands of books available on the topic:

Enjoy it!

Here is a study of the Celtic church 

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