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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Orthodox Benedictine Order served the First Templar, the Culdee Chaplains to the Templar

Another major reason to join our Orthodox order of Templar. Our first Clerics were Western Orthodox Benedictine Culdees. Yes at the court of the Frankish Kings which spearheaded the First Crusades were the Celtic church order known as the Culdees in several jurisdictions or as Benedictines in others.

At a time so near to the great schism, it can be easily shown that the founding knights of Templar were Western Orthodox, still in full communion with the Eastern church. Benedictines were a pan-Orthodox order from well before the schism, and continued. The jurisdiction in France known as Gothia(Visigothia/Langudoc continued as an (Western)Orthodox realm and people.
Most have just browsed over one of the greatest Templar clerical founders of the West, known as "Robert the Monk", Abbot of the Benedictine Monestary of Reims (Reims being the Lyons Gallic-Celtic French institution aligned in a long tradition of coordinating with the Celtic church (or Culdees). The Bishops of this jurisdiction held a co-apostolic succession from the Holy Apostle St John, a jurisdiction of Celts that was so well known to be an order not subject to Rome, and continued in the established traditions in the examples of the earlier Bishops, Polycrates and Polycarp. These early Bishops were all "excommunicated" from Rome for their primary theology held by the Culdees, like the dating of Easter, usage of the Hebrew Passover etc). (So it was clear not only as being in Pre-Schism order of Benedictines, of which were primarily consisting of Culdees of the time, but in the traditions of his home Monestary, they were indeed in line with the Eastern Orthodox. Numerous disputes came out of Lyons against the popes as well, for example the Waldensians, and later the larger Reformative wars. Many of our Celtic Culdees of France and Germany, not only Ireland and Great Britain, were Benedictine. Robert the Monk is recorded as being one of the most important Western Orthodox Clerics assisting at Jerusalem together with the founding Knights who took the oath together under the hands of the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Patriarch of Constantinople. It is widely known and recorded these Orthodox Patriarchs founded the Knights Templar, totally outside of the Western Papal structure of Rome.

The Orthodox Templar order was founded by the Angevin Nobility between the hands of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Constantinople. For the first generations of the Templar there was no collaboration or endorsement from the pope of Rome. The order itself was formed very near to the time of the great schism at Jerusalem. The Clerical support was mostly within the pre-Schism Orthodox institutions (like the pre-schism Orthodox Order of St Benedict and their Culdee Chaplains) that continued it's full relations with the Eastern church. These Eastern and Western Orthodox Clerics worked with the Angevin Knights and Royals. The Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Patriarch of Constantinople together co-consecrated the start of the Knights Templar. They launched the Templar as an Orthodox institution decades before the Roman Latin pope became involved or endorsed the Templar as tax free within Western papal ecclesiastical jurisdictions. However, as time went on, the Templar would worship in any Christian Orthodox institution wherever they were serving. It amounted to about half Western Orthodox and half Eastern Orthodox institutions where they would worship. Even in the West several ecclesiastical jurisdictions never fully submitted to the pope, and whenever they did, there was more power in the local secular government to appoint bishops, rather than the foreign popes. Brunswick itself kept their Apostolic claim primarily to Saint Andrew as do most Orthodox, rather than Rome who makes claim to Saint Peter. The most prominent and tallest buildings in Brunswick, and most picturesque part of the city was dominated by the views of Saint Andrew's Cathedral.

The first several Templar Grand Commanders and supportive Princes were all solely of the French Angevin House of who also reigned over England and Jerusalem. As heads of the Crusader states, the Angevin House were the first 11 Kings of Jerusalem (or 13 indirectly). All were of the House of Angevin. The Angevin Empire lawfully set to be inherited by sons of the Brunswick line of the original Duchy of German Saxony.

However this Angevin Empire ownership portion of the Brunswick inheritance was unlawfully kept from the house by de facto usurpation and occupations. These have been protested by Brunswick and are in present protest and inheritance claim documents, as kept in full effect during the last two centuries. These have been kept alive via four international treaties by present reigning governments, as well as the unanimous Dynastic and Public law regarded therein. 

So not only the Noble founders of the Templar were most likely Orthodox, but also the Clerics themselves, and lower Knights and members were most likely all Orthodox. Nearly all the Knights under the command of the Prince of Gothia (Raymond IV), of which all of the peoples of his realm of ancient Visigothia (now a region called Langudoc) were long called "Orthodox". Although clearly the Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Constantinople had plenty of priests available at their local churches the Templar served, also there were supportive priests attending from the Benedictine Abbot of Reims, all "Orthodox". Therefore the original (or true Templar) may arguably be moreso considered Western Orthodox than Roman Catholic. For sure they are not a papal order itself, although were later endorsed by them, and by force of arms nearly entirely destroyed by them. There has recently been some recent news of reconciliation however. Finally after 700 years the Vatican has admitted the Templar were innocent of their crimes. This does not automatically place Templar into any unnatural alliance with Rome.

In 2013 several Western Rite Orthodox Benedictines and Eastern Rite Goths gathered together to anoint Stephen and consecrated our order restoration. His rank in Brunswick was also recognized as being an Imperial Elector for Gothian descended state territories and peoples (of which many of their church institutions were founded by his church, where he is head of the Culdees). This is the firm re-establishment in the true Original Orthodox Templar. The Brunswick House inheritance in Angevin is one of several points, including the Dynastic branches of the Goths princely houses as other additional rights as successors of the Templar founders. These rights have been exerted and re-exerted throughout the whole period of the overal Templar dormancy and stoppage of the Crusader Kingdom. As we have a vision for restoring the Crusader and Templar states in Jerusalem, this is why we will succeed. God wrote it in His word that our city will be there and thriving once again before Christ returns. This is why all sincere Christians should join our rank to protect our Christian Culture, and our holy sites throughout the world.


Write to marshalofsalem@yahoo.com for more information about joining the Templar of Gothia.

Read more:

Ostrogoth and Visigoth United Royal Successor House, Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel, alloidial heirs of the Amali and Balti Dynasties


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