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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Living Visigothic Nobility

The Visigothic Name, Territory, and Dynasty remains in the titles of the Nobility of France. The peerage of France (highest ranking equal princes) have several hereditary princes of this realm, using the claim as the larger Province called "Languedoc". Read the booklet by Jean Lafitte and article entitled "Languedoc, déformation de *Land Goth ?". Dynastically it is also demonstratably preserved (as I give a taste below). The Visigothic family succession was preserved from the original Balti Dynasty via the Visigothic Princess Brunhilda, Grandmother of Pepin (and other Visigothic Nobles), thus transferring the rights to the Franks, later to the Dynastic descendants known as Counts of Toulouse and Princes of Gothia for an additional 800 years. The original Gothia (Visigoth) land realm remains in the name "Langeudoc" (Land of the Goths / Langue de Goth), according to numerous authentic records, encyclopedias, etc. Today you also can look it up on any map. Whether they call their territory Langeudoc or Gothia makes no difference, as all agree it is the same place, same tribe, and just a different spelling. It was continued legally through the female Visigoth Genealogy, also as a title "Gothia", and later the same region colloquially as Languedoc. For most of the generations it remained within the government of the Toulouse Nobility. It then passed to their heir Philip III who was of the earlier Capetian Dynasty, and down through all the French Kings till today. We know the House of Bourbon, Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty has held the original grants with the name "Gothia" as per the general history books (one as attached in the graphic). The original territory reached the French Kings by first passing from the Visigothic Princess Brunhilda. She passed it to her heirs, and to the Merovingian King Pepin, see: https://gw.geneanet.org/belfast8?lang=en&p=brunhilda+of+toledo&n=germany . As in the attached image, the whole of Gothia passed rightfully(legally) Dynastically down from Bernard I to his heirs, down to this present day all concretely. Not only the Kings protected all such titles of the province, the dukes and counts also never not ever renounced this legal entity known as Languedoc nor disbanded it in any way. Their claims of this illustrious decent or renounce any rights to this entity. This was all long settled. Things only became a little shaky with the Napoleanic usurpation during the French Revolution. The Brunswick Manifesto was to restore the French King to all his rightful titles, of which Napoleon refused. Therefore Brunswick made good on all promises, as commander-in-chief over all Prussia, commander-in-chief over all Austria and commander-in-chief (in war time) of de jure France(as granted by the rightful King of France giving Brunswick the additional authority in France). Note that Brunswick also has the living title Prince of Gottingen (Gothia) as a Dynastic inheritance, which remains a sub-principality under the duchy of Brunswick and Lunenburg, with this same Prince ranking higher (during war time) than all three Emperors. This begun the war for the French King to be restored under all original rightful titles.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Proof the Sovereign Prince of Gothia Founded the Templar Order. The First Templars Were Recorded a Generation Before First GrandMaster, under the Princely Titles of Gothia

The first two Templar Grandmasters were of the house of Anjou which we have demonstrated were kin of the Royal House of Gothia. Although not directly Knights of Gothia, they clearly were in league with their cousin, the "Prince of Gothia". The title of Gothia was held prominently by Raymond IV the more ancient title of the Visigoths, which he used alongside his title of Count of Toulouse (highest rank of a Monarch in France). His family long intermarried with the Nobility of Aquitaine and Anjou, of which there were competing lines of succession. Raymond VII of Gothia is well regarded as the most senior leader of the First Crusade, bringing the most Knights to the holy land than any other (more than 100,000). This was at the time the order was founded at Jerusalem. In this article we will get into the historical records which specify more on the founding of the Templar a whole generation before the popular version of the first two Grandmasters Hugh de Payens and Robert de Craon. 
Coincidentally several other Goths' states with the title of Gothia were the bloodrights of Otto IV of Brunswick who was endowed with the Duchy of Aquitaine and Anjou by his Uncle King Richard. Not many followed it, and he was too busy ruling Germany as the Holy Roman Emperor, which had a civil war where he was unable to go and collect the complete titles of Angevin Emperor. However, it's worth to point out he (and his descendants) are the blood relatives of the Angevin Dynastic throne of Jerusalem, and have rights to the throne. Then by this bestowment he and his descendants are also the legitimate Chiefs of the House of Angevin, which was usurped by the Capetian House. However Brunswick to this day still uses the coat of Arms of Aquitaine, and during the French Revolution the Duke of Brunswick was made Commander-in-Chief of France by the de jure King of France before he was beheaded. 

The evidence points however, that a Prince of Gothia founded the earliest known Templar Knights. It was in 1096 the highest and eldest Prince to lead the First Crusade, bearing the title  "Marqis of Gothia" (translated princeps Gothiæ).
This is about his role in founding the Templar Order while fighting for the Byzantine Emperor.
The evidence is quite conclusive on the early founding of the order being at least the fruit of, if not the direct advice of this Gothian Prince. Gothia being the main hereditary title of his family. He was accredited in the earlier writings as founding the original Order of Knights Templar.
Most French Knights were long known to be the subjects of Gothian Nobility, whether by the main Septimanian/Toulouse Branch or the many other Noble families who married into this Gothian/Visigothic House.
Even the Frankish King Pepin had a claim to the Gothian title. This Germanic tribal foundation was well understood then, though little understood now.
The main realms of France were all led by equal Princes as "peers of France". Therefore all the Knights who joined the original Templar are pretty well guaranteed to have had Gothian allegiances and blood ties. Historians and experts agree to use the term prince for all such ranking "peers of France" as there was no differentiation of rank.
The early order of Templar didn't grant "knighthoods" as we know them today although they were of an elevated status with multiple charters of Royal houses. Sovereign Knights themselves means they are under a Monarch firstly (whether the monarch of Jerusalem) or during a vacancy of a Monarch in Jerusalem or in other states, this may be a Regent. 
The Templar of the first generations who joined the Templar were under absolute authority of their Monarchs who all fought for Christ. One of these Chiefly was the Royalty of Gothia. 
According to the below record, we also find that the Templar order was founded no later than 1099 by multiple Gothian princes.
This was more than 30 years before the pope endorsed the Templar order of Knights.
This was a full generation before the First "so-called" Grandmaster Hugh de Paynes had even reached puberty. Therefore he could not have been the first Grandmaster as we all have been told. Although he too was a Knight that was under Gothian Nobility.
The Gothian Prince Raymond was then the oldest fighting Monarch in the Holy Land. He had fought the Muslims for much of his life, kicking them out of Europe. He was the main Royal who was accredited with the capture of Jerusalem in the First Crusade. He was a Peer of France (an equal rank of highest King), and was the Count of Toulouse among many other high Noble titles.
Upon conquering Jerusalem, he was offered to be crowned "King of Jerusalem", however he wanted to remain fighting and so nominated his peer, Godfrey de Boullion, to be the first Crusader King.
As we read in this authentic historical record of Simon de St. Bertin. This text was written, Circa 1135-7. The following is part of the entry for the year 1099, after the capture of Jerusalem and the crowning of Godfrey de Bouillon as King of Jerusalem.
"While he [Godfrey] was reigning magnificently, some had decided not to return to the shadows of the world after suffering such dangers for God's sake. On the advice of the princes of God's army they vowed themselves to God's Temple under this rule: they would renounce the world, give up personal goods, free themselves to pursue purity, and lead a communal life wearing a poor habit, only using arms to defend the land against the attacks of the insurgent pagans when necessity demanded."
There are many other authentic writings from early in the 12th Century but none allude to the actual founding of the order.
Raymond was the only one of the leading Crusaders who refused to do homage to the emperor Alexius for their expected conquests. Therefore it seems more fitting one of the other Nobles would have finally accepted the crown which would only have been legally placed by the Emperor Alexius Commenus, the one whom they were fighting for.
In the time when Godfrey was "reigning magnificently" would have been when he was busy liberating the Orthodox areas, in a great assistance to the Byzantine Empire against the Muslims. This would have been between 1096 and no later than the time of his death in 1100. As he only was King of Jerusalem for less than one year before his death. While Raymond IV, prince of Gothia lived another six years.
As we read it was these Gothian Knights, "After suffering such dangers for God's sake" it is really pointing to the much longer campaigns carried out by the elder Gothian Prince Raymond who had fought the Muslims in longer campaigns. This all dates to near the time of the original capture of Jerusalem, making it 1099 the latest date for the founding of the original Gothian Templar Knights.
Image from Volume 13, page 321 "The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...,"

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Successors of the Imperial and Royal House of Gothia


or go here to download the article in PDF format: 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Brunswick shut down freemasonry, declared the Illuminati, enemies of humanity and of the state.

Brunswick shut down freemasonry, declared the Illuminati, enemies of humanity and of the state.
Clearly most of the Dukes of Brunswick were not Freemasons. In fact, after a period of 18 years after founding the German Freemasonry as an order of the state, Brunswick ordered no quarter given to any involved in the illuminati, and even outlawed Freemasonry itself. In the below letter, you can read the formal edict of 1794 by the ruling Imperial prince, the duke of Brunswick, for the immediate end of ALL German Freemasonry, as to ensure there would be no power given to the very evil Illuminati:
“I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.
This sect is known to everyone, its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations…They began by casting odium on religion…Their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs…the misuse of our order…has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today…we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order.” Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, Knights Templar Order of Strict Observance 1794
For this measure the house has suffered greatly. The junior branch of Hanover later crept in after about a dozen ruling dukes were killed one oafter the other. Orphaned Karl II cited the law, of Hanover's unlawful usurpation in his edict to regain all what has been stolen from the people of Germany by Napoleon's, Prussia's, Austria's and Britain's raids. As ruling sovereign His official edicts and the seven principalities of the duchy of Brunswick, remain sovereign to this day (in the structure protected in custodianship at Geneva Switzerland), so that nothing of the duchy may fall into the hands of Prussia, France, or of Hanover, as explicitly prescribed to the agnates of Karl II, and recognized by numerous international bodies.
Anything else is a lie no doubt perpetrated by the Illuminati, as many corrupt officials joined with against Germany's true Royal and Imperial house, Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick. 
Note the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick does not claim the newly created 19th Century Council of Vienna entities. These are not of any interest of the house, and has continually protested against the unlawful usurpations by Hanover or Prussia over the Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick domains. 

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